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On the Shoulders of Giants - Epilogue

In this final installment of “tribute” articles acknowledging the contributions of key personnel in IVES’ history we are going to spread the love as it were, by paying well-deserved homage to a collective group of IVES players, past and present.

In observance of our 35th anniversary year, this feature is one of a series of tribute articles acknowledging five seminal figures in IVES’ history whose contributions to the company were critical in its creation and continuing success. Each of these notable figures provided vital elements to IVES’ recipe for success and it is upon the shoulders of these five giants that the company was built and still stands today.

Honorable Mentions

In this final installment of “tribute” articles acknowledging the contributions of key personnel in IVES’ history we are going to spread the love as it were, by paying well-deserved homage to a collective group of IVES players, past and present. IVES has been and still is incredibly fortunate in its uncanny ability to attract outstanding people. The talent, passion and myriad capabilities brought to the table by IVES team members at every station throughout the organization over the years is truly amazing, and that most impressive history of picking winners holds true to this very day. The list of contributors to the IVES legacy would require more space than is available here. However, there are a select few whose contributions, while not central to the development and initial success of IVES, were nonetheless significant in its continued growth and ongoing success. Here are the honorable mentions:

Susan Ives

Susan is the wife of Colin Ives and contrary to foregoing comments, was indeed central to the development and initial success of the company. Susan supported Colin not only in the classic sense of how one loving spouse supports the other, but as a business partner in the truest sense of the term. A successful and competent business executive in her own right, Susan took on many roles, contributed many great ideas and developed brilliant sales and marketing strategies that remain with the company to this day. The epitome of class and sharp as a whip, the positive effects of Susan’s hard work and dedication cannot be overstated.

Wally Adams

Wally joined the IVES team in the late 1990s as a Staff Master Trainer. Besides his obvious talents as a gifted trainer Wally was a virtual living encyclopedia of technical knowledge who knew more about powered mobile equipment seemingly off the top of his head than most in his field possessed in whole. Grant MacKenzie, who was no slouch in this area himself, tasked Wally with delivering operator training materials for loaders and rough terrain forklifts and deliver he did. The value of the work and contribution of Wally Adams’ relatively short tenure with IVES is literally invaluable.

Don Black

Like Wally Adams, Don Black possessed a staggering amount of technical information that he could pull out of his head as easily as ringing a bell. Don came on board with IVES way back in the company’s history as a contract trainer and he remained as such for many years. As proprietor of a successful consulting business, Don never joined the IVES team on a permanent basis but Colin utilized his talents to train and develop operator training materials whenever he could. One of the nicest people you could ever meet, Don sadly passed away in January of 2002.

Rob Vetter

After five years as a Staff Master Trainer during which time he became a major contributor to the technical content of IVES’ training materials, Rob took the torch of General Manager from Grant MacKenzie in the summer of 2000. Over his 20 years with the company Rob has positively affected every aspect of its workings while working tirelessly to maintain the integrity and excellence for which it is known. He remains in place as the company’s current President, CEO and as he puts it (with tongue in cheek), “Chief Dishwasher.” As we enter our 36th year of business, we would be remiss not to add to this honest yet feeble attempt to honor the efforts of those in the past without acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the present day team of all-stars that continue to make us successful and very, very proud. And finally here’s to you, our clients. Without your support all the good work and wonderful efforts of giants of the past and the present day players would all be for naught and for that, we acknowledge you as the greatest contributor to our success. Thank you for the 35 years you have made possible and we truly hope we can be at your service for many more to come!